4寸ギザ皿 兜唐草
4寸ギザ皿 古赤絵魚藻
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5.5寸12角皿 紺朱市松花紋
5.5寸12角皿 緑濃唐草
5.5寸皿 三花紋
5寸皿 古伊万里間取花
6寸反皿 双龍絵
Marumon rich gold arabesque small bowl of quince
Inside and outside flowing water high platform cup
Reverse angle small attachment
Old-dyed Fuyo hand diamond-shaped chrysanthemum-shaped small bowl
Gosu red butterfly 5-inch plate
Gosu red engraved dragon crest with wooden instep and flat facing
Karako playing pattern with kutsutsu-shaped mukoku
5-inch plate with ink-filled treasures and flowers and birds pattern
Sometsuke Shochiku Plum Kikyo Fuchi Small Plate
Sometsuke Fukurokuju 5-inch plate
桔梗渕千代口 花唐草
Oribe pine shaped small plate
Oribe flowers and birds curved 5sun plate
Boat-shaped small attachment with dyed octopus arabesque
thin white glazed flowers and birds curved 5sun plate
chrysanthemum 4.5sun plate
Akaraku 4-inch handmade small pot rough carving
Akae flowers and birds Banreki Fukurokuju small bowl of quince