"UTSUWA KIRYO," which started as a journey exploring food and tableware, is back with its second installment. In this edition, we met with chefs who...
"UTSUWA KIRYO," which started as a journey exploring food and tableware, is back with its second installment. In this edition, we met with chefs who...
``UTSUWA KIRYO'' started as a journey around food and pottery. The first Utsuwa Tabi is Karatsu ware from Saga Prefecture, which is said to be...
``UTSUWA KIRYO'' started as a journey around food and pottery. The first Utsuwa Tabi is Karatsu ware from Saga Prefecture, which is said to be...
“UTSUWA KIRYO” started as a journey around food and pottery. The first utsuwa tabi was Karatsu ware from Saga Prefecture is said to be made...
“I want to bring joy through vessels and bring smiles to people.” With this in mind, we work with pottery makers and artists from all...
“UTSUWA KIRYO” started as a journey around food and pottery. The first utsuwa tabi was Karatsu ware from Saga Prefecture is said to be made...
“I want to bring joy through vessels and bring smiles to people.” With this in mind, our shop works with potteries and artists from all...
“I want to bring joy through vessels and bring smiles to people.” With this in mind, we work with pottery makers and artists from all...